With the state of emergency put in place and current public health recommending that we practice social distancing, we have decided to close New Leaf Massage Therapy as of 6pm Saturday March 21st, 2020.⠀
Our date for re-open is currently April 6th, 2020 but this may change as we monitor the ongoing situation.⠀
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If you have an appointment scheduled during this time, we will be contacting you to reschedule to a later date.⠀
We do understand that massage is a necessity for many. If this is the case for you, please send us an email at NewLeafRMT@gmail.com and we will try our best to accommodate emergencies.⠀
This is an unknown time for us all. We are hopeful that we will all get through this situation together. Please be kind, generous and stay healthy. ⠀
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See you all soon!⠀
The New Leaf Team 🌱