What happens if we don’t take care of ourselves?

-we run a risk of depletion, losing perspective and burn out if we do not focus on activities that truly renew us

-you need to remember that you can’t help others if you haven’t helped yourself first.

-look for red flags that show you need to take better care of yourself.


What might those red flags be?

-loss of vitality

-fatigue and depletion


-feeling overwhelmed




-feeling helpless


How do we naturally respond to these things?

“This period will pass, it will get better soon”

“None of my clients or patients have complained to me”

Avoid certain problems and “difficult” patients


What kind of environment do you create when you’re in this state?

-Not a respectful place where they can share their burdens, worries, anxiety, etc.

-Your clients or employees can feel your sense of exhaustion, your need to be right or in control

-Your employees or clients won’t feel comfortable coming to you with their issues

Everyone has a breaking point if we put ourselves in this situation.  It’s easier to avoid reaching our breaking point that it is to come back from hitting our breaking point.


So what is self-care?

-just that.. caring for yourself

-take charge of your health

-follow a healthy lifestyle to help prevent illness and injuries


What are the benefits of massage or other modalities?

-decrease anxiety-stress relief-enhanced relaxation

-increased flexibility/pain free range of motion-enhanced quality of sleep

-deeper, easier breathing-improved mood-improved concentration

-increased circulation-increased physical performance

-strengthened immune system-lower blood pressure


Examples of things you can do for self-care

-massage therapy

-quiet walks by yourself

-brief meditative periods

-self reflection/journalling


-light exercise

-find opportunities to laugh in the company of cheerful friends


Why should massage be in your health routine?

1. Stress Reduction – Every year, Canadians spend thousands of dollars and significant time seeking relief from illness. Many of which are stress related, like depression, heart disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia.

2. Reduced Cortisol levels – Several studies have measured the stress hormone called cortisol and found massage decreases cortisol levels dramatically. Cortisol is produced when you are stressed, and kills important cells needed for immunity. So, when massage reduces your stress levels (and the cortisol) in your body it may help you avoid getting sick.

3. Relief for Chronic Illness – Massage often relieves symptoms of chronic disease or illness such as fibromyalgia, and arthritis. Eases Pain – Clients who receive massage say they have less pain, treatment-related pain and pain due to muscle tension. Reduces Anxiety – Massage eases anxiety before and during uncomfortable procedures. Helps Relieve Depression – Research shows that massage may help relieve depression in cancer patients.